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The Greenlivng and BuyGreen Promotion Plan of 2016

This project began on 2nd February 2016, focusing on the maintenance, management, and updating of the GreenLiving Information Platform related web-systems. In order to further promote green procurement, this project utilizes Facebook’s fan page, mobile application and audiovisual as the major promoting tools. In terms of web-systems maintenance and update, the Green Mark E-Application System has added the Post-Market Maintenance for Green Mark, enabling better management on Green Mark certified products with complete life-cycle record of products. For the Government Green Procurement Online Reporting System, the usability of the user interface keeps on improving as well as the administrative functions, in order to reduce workload of the admin of every department and implement hierarchical management ultimately. Through the workshop or training, feedback from the users were collected and reviewed. These results were used to improve functions in order to provide better service. For promotion and publicity, 35 news items in Mandarin Chinese, 35 news items in English were translated and published. 34 training sessions were held, including 4 workshops for Green Mark application and 30 workshops for Green Procurement. To diversify the web contents, 14 web-videos, 12 e-papers, and 12 e-catalogues were sent so far. For promotion purpose, another short clip themed on promoting Green Mark and Green Tourism was published, in-cooperated with web celebrity, Cai-A-Ga again. The clip went viral and created 23,000 views on Youtube. Promotional event that based on this short clip also created more than 24,000 views and reached more than 60,000 fans on Facebook. Also, the Green Store mobile application was updated too. It was downloaded 3,000 accumulatively. As a result of successful marketing approach, the GreenLiving’s fan-page gained tremendous growth this year and reach more than 10,000 fans, increased by 35% compare to last year. Overall, the maintenance and promotion efforts received good result, and increased the public awareness on Green Mark and green procurement.
Green Mark、Government Green Procurement、Green Procurement、Green Living